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Finally Free
How to use this toolkit
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1: Freedom from comparison
Listen when you’re feeling not good enough and comparing yourself to others
2: Freedom from pressure to do more
Listen when you feel like you’re drowning and can never do enough to keep up
3: Freedom from worry over students
Listen when you’re worried about not being able to reach a student or prevent failure
4: Freedom from regret
Listen when you’re replaying all the things you should have done differently
5: Freedom from perfectionism
Listen when you’re overthinking things and making your work too complicated
6: Freedom from busy-ness
Listen when you can’t shut down your mind and relax
7: Freedom from guilt
Listen when you feel guilty about letting others down
8: Freedom from overwhelm
Listen when you’re feeling behind and have no energy to get back on track
9: Freedom from urgency
Listen when you’re unable to focus because so many things are demanding your attention at once
10: Freedom from neglect
Listen when you’re putting yourself last and need to make time for self-care
3 audio guided meditation exercises to help you practice mindfulness and stay focused on the present moment (from Dan)
PDF and audio with 4 strategies to choosing your thoughts on purpose (from Angela)
Motivational quote images you can use for computer/phone background images, share on social media, or print and hang as mini-poster to help you stay in the right mindset
Behind the scenes of Finally Free: An audio interview with Angela and Dan
Listen when you’re replaying all the things you should have done differently
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